You were never a mistake...
Always.. In my life, I tried to hide everything underneath because I'm afraid that everyone might not like me for who I am and might not accept me for what I am.
I was too young that time that even the stare of other people made me feel insecure about myself. I hated me. I'd never liked the clothes I wore. I disliked my hair, the shape of my body, my lips, my skin tone, and even the gap between my teeth. I loathed myself. I felt ashamed standing in front of many people. I lost all my self confidence just because I felt that I'm no pretty and because I felt that moment that I was a mistake in this world.
I was bullied. Bullied because of my imperfections. Why can people spread so much hate towards other people? How can someone be as bad as a murderer just to make you feel ugly. How can they even exist in this beautiful world if all they do is to make you feel small? Always in my life I tried so hard to keep it within myself. All the hurt. All the bad things I felt. All they did just to make me feel the loneliest, ugliest and smallest human being in the world. How could I even forget all of you, if half of my life I'm with you and treated you as my friends, and half of my life you became the reason behind my saddest nights. But behind all of those things.
There is one thing that I realized. One thing that made me believe and love myself. One thing that pushed me to do the things that I love. One thing that motivated me to reach for my dreams. I didn't mean to write this in an offensive way, I wrote this to spread the positive things you can acquire by your hurtful memories you had in life. And that one thing is, "YOU WERE NEVER A MISTAKE" because that kept me going. Don't forget about that.
Don't forget to be happy because you're beautiful when you smile.